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Science & Standards

SafeTraces provides the only IAQ verification that directly measures pathogen mitigation, for safe and sustainable indoor spaces.

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Science & Standards

In July 2023, ASHRAE published Standard 241 Control of Infectious Aerosols. The new standard's Normative Appendix C lists DNA-tagged particles, a methodology pioneered by SafeTraces, as a qualified tracer particle to meet the requirement of in-place testing of equivalent clean airflow.

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Optimizing Indoor Air Quality with Science and Actionable Data


Our DNA-barcoded aerosols use synthetic DNA, with a unique sequence, to identify each aerosol release point. Our aerosols are water-based, non-toxic, model airborne pathogens, and can be used in occupied spaces safely.

Particle Size

Using a controlled release process for our aerosols, we are able to generate a particle size distribution of our aerosol simulants, correlating well with natural respiratory aerosol size range.

Barcode Sequences

Using multiple DNA tags in our aerosol tracers enables tracking and quantification of different release locations and iterative scenario testing under different building conditions for maximum data accuracy and granularity.


Using Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction, or qPCR, we are able to extract data from the collected air samples and quantify DNA concentration levels. We also use surface swabs as a secondary sampling method to complement air sampling.


We provide heatmaps and visualized analytics for equivalent air change rates, airflow, air distribution, particle leakage and migration, and surface deposition levels, along with cost and energy modeling.

ASHRAE Standard Project Committee 241 just published the first-ever consensus-based, code-enforceable standard for the control of infectious aerosols.
ASHRAE Standard Project Committee 241 just published the first-ever consensus-based, code-enforceable standard for the control of infectious aerosols.
ASHRAE Standard Project Committee 241 just published the first-ever consensus-based, code-enforceable standard for the control of infectious aerosols.
ASHRAE Standard Project Committee 241 just published the first-ever consensus-based, code-enforceable standard for the control of infectious aerosols.

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