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Oct 18
Oct 18

How Does Upper Room UVGI Work? And How Do We Know It's Working?

The webinar will be valuable for building owners-operators and industry practitioners seeking to better understand and evaluate the health, energy, and financial return on investment (ROI) of upper room UVGI for real world application.

Led by four leading technical experts, this educational webinar will provide a:

- Scientific overview on how upper room UVGI cleans indoor air

- Mechanical overview on how upper room UVGI integrates with HVAC systems

- Market overview of different commercially available upper room UVGI product offerings, and framework for assessment, planning, and implementation in various real-world settings

- Description of existing and emerging performance testing methods to commission upper room UVGI fixtures to their installed performance

Moderated by Erik Malmstrom, CEO, SafeTraces, this webinar will feature:

Dr. Ernest (Chip) Blatchley, Professor of Environmental Engineering, Purdue University

Dr. Bill Bahnfleth, PE, Professor of Architectural Engineering, Penn State University

Bill Palmer, President, Aeromed

Dr. Nick Heredia, VP of Research and Development, SafeTraces

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